CD/DVD labels

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at
Thu Oct 12 13:32:17 UTC 2006

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Paul W. Frields wrote:
>> On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 22:43 +0200, Thomas Canniot wrote:
>>> Le mardi 10 octobre 2006 à 22:39 +0530, Rahul Sundaram a écrit :
>>>> Hi
>>>> We had a discussion about labels in this list with several proposals 
>>>> but I didnt see any consensus on which one to adopt as the formal 
>>>> one for Fedora Core 6. We need to settle down on one for consistency.
>>>> Rahul
>>> I prefer Diana's :)
>> As do I.  It would be nice to see some exterior art that also matches
>> the new theme more closely.  I was under the impression that the
>> difference between using full-color art or using limited-palette art on
>> the exterior CD jacket/wallet/sleeve is much smaller than on the disc
>> itself.  If that's the case, perhaps using the beautiful wallpaper
>> default as the basis for the exterior art would be a good choice.
> Thats not the only difference. We have to print CD/DVD labels on several 
> events and costs would escalate steeply depending on the number of 
> colors we use on.

BTW, Diana's image uses the dark-blue color on the logo, so the image 
actually uses three colors: white, blue, dark blue.


   1. Keep it as it is.

   2. Reduce the colors to two. This is against the logo guidelines so 
it's not actually a choice.

   3. Since we have the dark blue there, use it on the main design as 
well for a better result.

   4. If 2 happens, probably consider using the dark blue as the 
background color, since it will match the FC6 theme better.

I'd vote for 4, but that would mean extra work for someone.


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at, PGP: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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