[Fwd: Re: Banners]

Jonathan Roberts jonathan.roberts.uk at googlemail.com
Fri Dec 14 09:52:04 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 10:36 +0200, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> Jonathan Roberts wrote:
> > OK, I had a go (but it is a little plain I think, maybe this can be
> > inspiration for somebody else!) and you can find it here:
> > 
> > http://questionsplease.org/fedora/fedorawn.svg
> > 
> > http://questionsplease.org/fedora/fedorawn.png
> I think this isn't what you expected,

Heh all feedback is welcome. *I'm not an artist* but I do have some
spare time these few weeks so thought I'd try and help out a bit. It's
fun to learn new stuff and get advice from people who know way more than

>  but:
> - I don't like the "Weekly News" font, it looks like you resized the height;
> - I know this is a repeat of my design and choice when I made the 468x60 
> banners for the wiki, but maybe "fedora" should be replaced with the 
> wordmark with the correct typeface (I made the choice back then because 
> I wanted more text on the same font face and the official font is not free);
> - maybe some play with colors on the text, a drop shadow and some 
> texture for background?
> - this is my favorite style and may not be the best thing: I like when 
> parts of the subject (the newspaper here) get out of the image.

I'll take a look over your comments later and have a play with it and
see what I can come up with. Thanks for taking the time to look at it
though and give me some tips :D 



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