[Echo] Some updates.

Mark markg85 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 18:47:11 UTC 2008

2008/1/7, Luya Tshimbalanga <luya_tfz at thefinalzone.com>:
> Camera set icon got more modifications. The inline is more lighter to
> allow a better transition between value to produce a more volumetric
> shape[1].
> Document-save got revisited to address the issue about the use of floppy
> disk. It now uses the hard disk drive based from drive-harddisk icon.[2]
> Document-save-as got the same treatment but smaller icons are not done yet.
> More new and modified icons to come soon.
> Luya


i like the new camera icon more than the previous one but this time
with the critic that it could use some more contrast. The shape is
fine! just play a bit with some colors.

And for document-save.. if i see that icon in a application i would
have never guessed that it stands for saving a document. That icon on
it's own looks fine but just not for document-save. Perhaps it's
better to use a floppy for the saving icon?

good luck.

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