A pretty please (regrading Fedora 9 theme)

Nicu Buculei nicu_fedora at nicubunu.ro
Wed Jan 9 17:29:30 UTC 2008

Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Thank you SO MUCH Valent. The feedback from this podcast is SO HELPFUL. 
> Not only that, but it really confirms to me that the 100+ hours of my 
> PERSONAL time (time I could have spent with my family or friends) that I 
> put into it was REALLY WORTH IT. Thank you so much Valent for bringing 
> this to my attention, I am now so motivated to put EVEN MORE TIME into 
> Fedora 9, because I now see how much my and this teams efforts are 

Mo, unfortunately my spoken English is really bad, otherwise I would 
record a podcast especially for you, saying how awesome the F8 artwork 
is and how we appreciate your work, don't listen to those guys.

nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com
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