Hi Fedora Art list!

Valent Turkovic valent.turkovic at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 15:18:16 UTC 2008

Martin Sourada wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 08:58 -0900, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
>> On Jan 22, 2008 7:52 AM, Colby Hoke <choke at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks to a suggestion from Nicu Buculei, I've joined this list mostly
>>> out of interest in an Art Studio spin of Fedora. I've been working with
>>> gdk and jspaleta on getting a Fedora repo-ready version of Kino out
>>> there for people to make their own videos in the Fedora world.
>> Now that fedoratv is public knowledge let's take a moment and re-cap
>> where things stand on what we've been poking at.
>> Fedoratv needs work, but its basically where we want to drive Fedora
>> related content as a place to dogfood open codecs associated tools by
>> generating our own project relevant content. Open media isn't going to
>> get better until we have a real reason to use it. Fedoratv will be the
>> open service where the Fedora's media needs will be met.
>> But Fedoratv is just the service, we also need to make client side
>> video editting an out-of-box reality. It doesn't have to be perfect,
>> it just has to be good enough so that people can edit content for
>> consumption on fedoratv.  Let me explain what we need to be able to
>> ship out-of-the-box in Fedora on the clientside.
>> 1)reliable dv camera capture for some subset of camera hardware
>> 2)kino as the default dv video editor which can export into ogg theora
>> video for upload to fedoratv
>> Okay so where are the problems:
>> First... firewire and dv cameras.  There have been some technical
>> problems with the new kernel firewire stack which have seen
>> improvement in update f8 kernels.
>> Speaking of which, Colby, does firewire dv capture work for you in the
>> latest f8 kernels?
>> A basic stripped down kino which can take raw dv and export to theora
>> is absolutely doable.
>> You don't get access to control over interlacing (via gst-ffmpeg
>> plugin) and other things which semi-profession video people will want.
>> But for basic community web content, it will export theora with a
>> vorbis audio stream.  On top of that if ffmpeg is on the system kino
>> is smart enough to see it and enable more export options.
>> The only problem is, we've no out-of-the-box way to convert use theora
>> video clips as source material in kino.  Kino internally uses dv, and
>> through the magic of ffmpeg it can import other formats and convert
>> them internally to dv.  The problem is we don't have a Fedora
>> shippable way to convert theora to dv, as far as I can tell.  And
>> that's a problem.  It would be extremely useful if people could take
>> theora screencasts as source material into kino to mix with dv
>> footage, and re-export as theora again.
>> Yes, yes.. video purist out there are cringing at the thought of
>> mixing dv and compressed video, but the goal here is good enough for
>> fedoratv.. not good enough for professional sport drink commercials.
>> The state of video is such that we can't wait for a profession quality
>> open editor tool to fall out of the sky. We have to start here, and
>> then find people willing to take up the challenge to create the next
>> generation of open editting tools so we can produce even better
>> content.
>> So how do we get theora vids converted to dv for kino to use as source
>> material? I do not know.  Stripping down a version of ffmpeg as
>> something shippable in fedora is a near impossible task, and would
>> require legal review regardless.   I haven't found an existing
>> gstreamer plugin that lets me do it that could in the future be
>> promoted to 'good' and shipped in fedora.  So if someone knows a way
>> to convert theora to dv out-of-the-box in fedora right now, I want to
>> know how to do it.  Kino lets you add custom import scripts, so once
>> we have a commandline way to do the conversion, kino gains it as an
>> import method.
>> -jef
> Seems cool, one question though. Are you considering using the matroska
> container for the videos available for download as well? I believe it is
> superior to ogm/flv in many areas.
> Thanks,
> Martin

I have little experience with matroska container can you please point 
out the most obvious advantages it has over ogg container.


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