Benchmark text output performance of gnome-terminal Frequently output is sent to a terminal window. In Gnome the program gnome-terminal handles the display of text on a terminal window. The, one simple benchmark is to determine the amount of time required to output a large text file to a gnome-terminal window. gnome-terminal is a little tricky to benchmark because has a server. When you start gnome-terminal it connects to the server rather than starting a new child process. Thus, timing the gnome-terminal command will count the time required to communicate information to the gnome-terminal server rather than the time required to actually perform the task. To work around this problem a script is executed within the new gnome-terminal window and the information is saved to a file. Procedure: 0) Get system configuration information hardware and software: CPU: cat /proc/cpuinfo Memory: cat /proc/meminfo Kernel: uname -a gnome-terminal: rpm -qa gnome-terminal xserver: rpm -qa xorg-x11 1) Get the test file, the jargon file from Project Gutenberg: 2) Verify that the file is the same with md5sum $ md5sum jarg422.txt ef9b53f52312ee266c98c8e206d9e823 jarg422.txt 3) Place the cattest script in the same directory as jarg422.txt and make it executable. 4) Run the test on the console of the machine with the command below. The script will generate a file "cattime in the directory with the amount of time required to cat the file to the terminal window. gnome-terminal -e "./cattest" 4a) If the system is set up to run oprofile and you have root access, you can run the same script as root with command below to get some additional profiling information in the cattime file: gnome-terminal -e "./cattest --profile" Additional analysis on the oprofile data can be performed after the benchmark completes.