Traffic shaping broken with kernel errata

Kenneth Porter shiva at
Wed Aug 11 23:35:52 UTC 2004

--On Wednesday, August 11, 2004 4:03 PM -0500 Chris Adams 
<cmadams at> wrote:

> This is a public mailing list, Bugzilla is a public database.  Don't
> like you address being there, then don't use it there.

Tip: If you use sendmail on your mailbox server, use a plussed address when 
subscribing to systems that don't obfuscate your address in their archives. 
You can then use a procmail recipe to filter stuff using that address to a 
separate folder, and make it easier to track what archive a spammer is 
harvesting addresses from. For example:

shiva+fedora_dev_plussed_example at

This will get delivered to my shiva account and the stuff after the plus 
sign (ignored by sendmail) will be available for post-delivery analysis.

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