Goal: Increased Modularity?

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 19:28:19 UTC 2007

On 9/4/07, Richi Plana <myfedora at richip.dhs.org> wrote:
> I guess my point is that if the answer to a lot of people's requests is
> that "they can spin things themselves", I just thought it would be an
> important consideration for Fedora to give the respinners that
> flexibility THROUGH modularization.

Sure, and my point is, we are attempting to do just that..where there
is real benefit. Things like virtual provides and the alternatives
system are used when it makes sense. And "where it makes sense" is
always in flux. There's an effort afoot right now to virtualize how we
deal with logos for example. There's no doubt in my mind that we are
putting thought and effort into modularizing things to make re-spins
more possible as the need arises. It helps immensely, if discussions
are grounded around real situations that would benefit from additional
modularization, and not hypotheticals.  I would humbly suggest that
you take a little time and play around with repoquery as found in the
yum-utils package and explore the dependancy chains a little bit using
the tools --whatprovides, --whatrequires, --alldeps features to get a
feel for how much virtualization is being used at the packaging level.


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