review-o-matic : Fedora package review helper

Tim Lauridsen tim.lauridsen at
Sat Nov 1 06:39:57 UTC 2008

Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
> What is the status of this project? Did anyone started out writing some code? I want to contribute to this. Is there a webpage?
> My opinion on this idea is, we should first write a script that displays 3 different kind of outputs:
> 1- Pure automatic checks: sha1sums, %files etc. -> Display results
> 2- Semi-automatic checks: For instance, the script will check for static libraries in the build. -> Display results (If there are static libraries then it will warn the reviewer so he can check for the necessity of them.)
> 3- Purely manual checks: Not everything in the guidelines is easy to implement. Hence after the script is done, it will tell the reviewer what else needs to be checked manually.
> As time goes more features can be implemented and more items from 3 can be shifted into 1 or 2. We will need to build a powerful parser. I think some code can be borrowed from rpmlint.
> -oget
I the ideal tool for this purpose IHO, would be some kind of web 
application, to handle all the workflow around getting packages into Fedora.
* uploading specs and srpms
* do automatic tests based on packaging guidelines.
* a reviewer multiple choice popquiz to go through all the checks in 
review guidelines. showing the result of the automatic test for the each 

TurboGear would be a good choice for such an application.

A standalone checker would also be a good idea, for the packager to 
check that the spec etc, there has been made complies to the guidelines, 
before it is uploaded to web application.

It would also be a good idea to design some kind framework to implement 
the different rules in a generic way, so it is easier for  the 
web/standalone application to interface  with the  tests, and it would  
be easier to add new ones and  the current one can  made better without 
breaking the interface with the
generic tools. Each test should be some kind of plugin into the main 


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