release-notes/FC-5/po RELEASE-NOTES.pot,1.1,1.2 pt.po,1.9,1.10

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-docs-commits at
Sat Oct 28 22:21:36 UTC 2006

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/docs/release-notes/FC-5/po
In directory

Modified Files:
	RELEASE-NOTES.pot pt.po 
Log Message:
Add FC-6 branch. This branch should be used for errata updates, not devel -- although syncing them is fine.

View full diff with command:
/usr/bin/cvs -f diff  -kk -u -N -r 1.1 -r 1.2 RELEASE-NOTES.pot
RCS file: /cvs/docs/release-notes/FC-5/po/RELEASE-NOTES.pot,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- RELEASE-NOTES.pot	27 Jun 2006 21:26:45 -0000	1.1
+++ RELEASE-NOTES.pot	28 Oct 2006 22:21:33 -0000	1.2
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-22 05:54-0600\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-10-14 10:59-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at>\n"
@@ -9,2251 +9,3097 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: en/Xorg.xml:5(title) en/Welcome.xml:5(title) en/WebServers.xml:5(title) en/SystemDaemons.xml:5(title) en/ServerTools.xml:5(title) en/SecuritySELinux.xml:5(title) en/Security.xml:5(title) en/Samba.xml:5(title) en/ProjectOverview.xml:5(title) en/Printing.xml:5(title) en/PackageNotesJava.xml:5(title) en/PackageChanges.xml:5(title) en/OverView.xml:5(title) en/Networking.xml:5(title) en/Multimedia.xml:5(title) en/Legacy.xml:5(title) en/Kernel.xml:5(title) en/Java.xml:5(title) en/Installer.xml:5(title) en/I18n.xml:5(title) en/FileSystems.xml:5(title) en/FileServers.xml:5(title) en/Feedback.xml:5(title) en/Entertainment.xml:5(title) en/Extras.xml:5(title) en/DevelToolsGCC.xml:5(title) en/DevelTools.xml:5(title) en/Desktop.xml:5(title) en/DatabaseServers.xml:5(title) en/Colophon.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:5(title) en/ArchSpecific.xml:5(title) 
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:21(rights) 
+msgid "OPL"
+msgstr ""
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+msgid "1.0"
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+msgid "2006"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:26(holder) 
+msgid "Red Hat, Inc. and others"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:30(title) 
+msgid "Fedora Core 5 Release Notes"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:31(desc) 
+msgid "Important information about this release of Fedora Core"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:35(title) 
+msgid "Fedora Core 5 发行注记"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:39(title) 
+msgid "Note di rilascio per Fedora Core 5"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:43(title) 
+msgid "Fedora Core 5 Замечания к выпуску"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:47(title) 
+msgid "Fedora Core 5 リリースノート"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:54(details) 
+msgid "Refer to IG and fix repodata instructions (#186904)"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:59(details) 
+msgid "Errata release notes for FC5 release."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/rpm-info.xml:63(details) 
+msgid "Finished port of wiki for FC5 release."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:7(title) en_US/Welcome.xml:7(title) en_US/WebServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Virtualization.xml:7(title) en_US/SystemDaemons.xml:7(title) en_US/ServerTools.xml:7(title) en_US/SecuritySELinux.xml:7(title) en_US/Security.xml:7(title) en_US/Samba.xml:7(title) en_US/ProjectOverview.xml:7(title) en_US/Printing.xml:7(title) en_US/PackageNotes.xml:7(title) en_US/PackageChanges.xml:7(title) en_US/OverView.xml:7(title) en_US/Networking.xml:7(title) en_US/Multimedia.xml:7(title) en_US/Legacy.xml:7(title) en_US/Kernel.xml:7(title) en_US/Java.xml:7(title) en_US/Installer.xml:7(title) en_US/I18n.xml:7(title) en_US/FileSystems.xml:7(title) en_US/FileServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Feedback.xml:7(title) en_US/Entertainment.xml:7(title) en_US/Extras.xml:7(title) en_US/DevelToolsGCC.xml:7(title) en_US/DevelTools.xml:7(title) en_US/Desktop.xml:7(title) en_US/DatabaseServers.xml:7(title) en_US/Colophon.xml:7(title) en_US/BackwardsCompatibility.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecificx86.xml:7(!
 title) en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:7(title) en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:7(title) 
 msgid "Temp"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:8(title) 
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:11(title) 
 msgid "X Window System (Graphics)"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:9(para) 
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:13(para) 
 msgid "This section contains information related to the X Window System implementation provided with Fedora."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:11(title) 
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:19(title) 
 msgid "xorg-x11"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:12(para) 
-msgid " X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It provides the basic low level functionality which full fledged graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed upon."
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:21(para) 
+msgid " X11 is an open source implementation of the X Window System. It provides the basic low-level functionality upon which full-fledged graphical user interfaces (GUIs) such as GNOME and KDE are designed. For more information about, refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:13(para) 
-msgid "For more information about Xorg refer to <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>"
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:29(para) 
+msgid "You may use <emphasis>System > Administration > Display</emphasis> or <emphasis role=\"strong\">system-config-display</emphasis> to configure the settings. The configuration file for is located in <code>/etc/X11/xorg.conf</code>."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:15(para) 
-msgid "You can use Applications => System Settings => Display or system-config-display to configure the settings. The configuration file for Xorg is located in /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:36(para) 
+msgid " X11R7 is the first modular release of, which, among several other benefits, promotes faster updates and helps programmers rapidly develop and release specific components. More information on the current status of the modularization effort in Fedora is available at <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:16(para) 
-msgid "Modular X.Org X11R7 RC2 was released into Fedora development (rawhide) on November 16, 2005. This is the first modular release of Xorg which among several other benefits, enable users to receive updates in a faster pace and helps developers to develop and release specific components in a rapid fashion."
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:47(title) 
+msgid " X11R7 End-User Notes"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:17(para) 
-msgid "More information on the current status of the Xorg modularization effort in Fedora is available from <ulink url=\"/Xorg/Modularization\"></ulink>"
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:50(title) 
+msgid "Installing Third Party Drivers"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:21(title) 
-msgid "Xorg X11R7.0 Developer Notes"
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:51(para) 
+msgid "Before you install any third party drivers from any vendor, including ATI or nVidia, please read <ulink url=\"\"></ulink>."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:22(para) 
-msgid "X11R7.0 is included in this release and there are a number of things that software developers, and packagers in Fedora repositories need to be aware of in order to ensure that their software or software packages properly compile and work with X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R7. Some are simple changes, while others may be more involved. Here is a summary of issues that may arise and where possible, suggestions on how to fix them."
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:58(para) 
+msgid "The <code>xorg-x11-server-Xorg</code> package install scripts automatically remove the <code>RgbPath</code> line from the <code>xorg.conf</code> file if it is present. You may need to reconfigure your keyboard differently from what you are used to. You are encouraged to subscribe to the upstream <ulink url=\"mailto:xorg at\">xorg at</ulink> mailing list if you do need assistance reconfiguring your keyboard."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:24(title) 
-msgid "The /usr/X11R6 Directory Hierarchy"
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:70(title) 
+msgid " X11R7 Developer Overview"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:25(para) 
-msgid "X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R7 install into /usr directly now, and no longer uses the /usr/X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R6 hierarchy. Applications which rely on files being present at fixed paths under /usr/X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R6 at compile time or at run time, must be updated to use the system PATH, or some other mechanism to dynamically determine where the files reside, or alternatively to hard code the new locations, possibly with fallbacks."
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:72(para) 
+msgid "The following list includes some of the more visible changes for developers in X11R7:"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:28(title) 
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:79(para) 
+msgid "The entire buildsystem has changed from <code>imake</code> to the GNU <code>autotools</code> collection."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:85(para) 
+msgid "Libraries now install <code>pkgconfig</code><code>*.pc</code> files, which should now always be used by software that depends on these libraries, instead of hard coding paths to them in <code>/usr/X11R6/lib </code> or elsewhere."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:93(para) 
+msgid "Everything is now installed directly into <code>/usr</code> instead of <code>/usr/X11R6</code>. All software that hard codes paths to anything in <code>/usr/X11R6</code> must now be changed, preferably to dynamically detect the proper location of the object. Developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> advised against hard-coding the new X11R7 default paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:103(para) 
+msgid "Every library has its own private source RPM package, which creates a runtime binary subpackage and a <code>-devel</code> subpackage."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:112(title) 
+msgid " X11R7 Developer Notes"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:114(para) 
+msgid "This section includes a summary of issues of note for developers and packagers, and suggestions on how to fix them where possible."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:120(title) 
+msgid "The /usr/X11R6/ Directory Hierarchy"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:122(para) 
+msgid "X11R7 files install into <code>/usr</code> directly now, and no longer use the <code>/usr/X11R6/</code> hierarchy. Applications that rely on files being present at fixed paths under <code>/usr/X11R6/</code>, either at compile time or run time, must be updated. They should now use the system <code>PATH</code>, or some other mechanism to dynamically determine where the files reside, or alternatively to hard code the new locations, possibly with fallbacks."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:134(title) 
 msgid "Imake"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/Xorg.xml:29(para) 
-msgid "Imake is no longer used to build the X Window System, and as such is now officially deprecated. Imake, xmkmf and other utilities previously supplied by the X Window System, are still supplied in X11<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>R7, however X.Org highly recommends that people migrate from Imake to using GNU autotools and pkg-config. imake support may vanish in a future X Window System release, so developers are strongly encouraged to transition away from it, and not use it for any new software projects."
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:136(para) 
+msgid "The <code>imake</code> xutility is no longer used to build the X Window System, and is now officially deprecated. X11R7 includes <code>imake</code>, <code>xmkmf</code>, and other build utilities previously supplied by the X Window System. X.Org highly recommends, however, that people migrate from <code>imake</code> to use GNU <code>autotools</code> and <code>pkg-config</code>. Support for <code>imake</code> may be removed in a future X Window System release, so developers are <emphasis role=\"strong\">strongly</emphasis> encouraged to transition away from it, and not use it for any new software projects."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:151(title) 
+msgid "The Systemwide app-defaults/ Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:153(para) 
+msgid "The system <code>app-defaults/</code> directory for X resources is now <code>%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults</code>, which expands to <code>/usr/share/X11/app-defaults/</code> on Fedora Core and for future Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/Xorg.xml:162(title) 
+msgid "Correct Package Dependencies"
[...3805 lines suppressed...]
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:107(para) 
+msgid "To list all packages with their architecture using <code>rpm</code>, run the following command:"
 msgstr ""
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:45(None) 
-msgid "@@image: '/wiki/ntheme/img/alert.png'; md5=THIS FILE DOESN'T EXIST"
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:111(screen) 
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "\nrpm -qa --queryformat \"%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\\n\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:115(para) 
+msgid "You can add this to <code>/etc/rpm/macros</code> (for a system wide setting) or <code>~/.rpmmacros</code> (for a per-user setting). It changes the default query to list the architecture:"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificx86_64.xml:120(screen) 
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "\n%_query_all_fmt         %%{name}-%%{version}-%%{release}.%%{arch}\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:8(title) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:11(title) 
 msgid "PPC Specifics for Fedora"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:9(para) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:13(para) 
 msgid "This section covers any specific information you may need to know about Fedora Core and the PPC hardware platform."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:11(title) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:19(title) 
 msgid "PPC Hardware Requirements"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:12(para) 
-msgid "This section lists the minimum PowerPC (PPC) hardware needed to install Fedora Core 4."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:22(title) 
+msgid "Processor and Memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:15(para) 
-msgid "Minimum: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:26(para) 
+msgid "Minimum CPU: PowerPC G3 / POWER4"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:18(para) 
-msgid "Fedora Core 5 supports only the “New World” generation of Apple Power Macintosh, shipped circa 1999 onwards."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:31(para) 
+msgid "Fedora Core 5 supports only the “New World” generation of Apple Power Macintosh, shipped from circa 1999 onward."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:21(para) 
-msgid "Fedora Core also supports IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:37(para) 
+msgid "Fedora Core 5 also supports IBM eServer pSeries, IBM RS/6000, Genesi Pegasos II, and IBM Cell Broadband Engine machines."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:24(para) 
-msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 64MiB RAM."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:44(para) 
+msgid "Recommended for text-mode: 233 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:27(para) 
-msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 128MiB RAM."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:50(para) 
+msgid "Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz G3 or better, 256MiB RAM."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:39(title) 
-msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:60(para) 
+msgid "The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up by Fedora Core 5 after installation is complete. However, additional disk space is required during installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of <code>/Fedora/base/stage2.img</code> (on Installtion Disc 1) plus the size of the files in <code>/var/lib/rpm</code> on the installed system."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:48(phrase) 
-msgid "/!\\"
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:89(title) 
+msgid "The Apple keyboard"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:42(para) 
-msgid "<inlinemediaobject><placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/></inlinemediaobject> Currently FC5 Test Release CD 1 and Rescue ISOs do not boot on Mac hardware. See below on booting using boot.iso."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:91(para) 
+msgid "The <code>Option</code> key on Apple systems is equivalent to the <code>Alt</code> key on the PC. Where documentation and the installer refer to the <code>Alt</code> key, use the <code>Option</code> key. For some key combinations you may need to use the <code>Option</code> key in conjunction with the <code>Fn</code> key, such as <code>Option</code> - <code>Fn</code> - <code>F3</code> to switch to virtual terminal tty3."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:55(para) 
-msgid "The DVD or first CD of the installation set of Fedora Core is set to be bootable on supported hardware. In addition, a bootable CD images can be found in the images/ directory of the DVD or first CD. These will behave differently according to the hardware:"
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:103(title) 
+msgid "PPC Installation Notes"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:105(para) 
+msgid "Fedora Core Installation Disc 1 is bootable on supported hardware. In addition, a bootable CD image appears in the <code>images/</code> directory of this disc. These images will behave differently according to your system hardware:"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:58(para) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:115(para) 
 msgid "Apple Macintosh"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:61(para) 
-msgid "The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit installer. Power management support, including sleep and backlight level management, is present in the apmud package, which is in Fedora Extras. Fedora Extras for Fedora Core is configured by default for yum. Following installation, apmud can be installed by running yum install apmud."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:118(para) 
+msgid "The bootloader should automatically boot the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit installer."
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:122(para) 
+msgid "The default <code>gnome-power-manager</code> package includes power management support, including sleep and backlight level management. Users with more complex requirements can use the <code>apmud</code> package in Fedora Extras. Following installation, you can install <code>apmud</code> with the following command:"
+msgstr ""
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:136(screen) 
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum install apmud'"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:66(para) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:141(para) 
 msgid "64-bit IBM eServer pSeries (POWER4/POWER5)"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:69(para) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:144(para) 
 msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:74(para) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:151(para) 
 msgid "32-bit CHRP (IBM RS/6000 and others)"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:77(para) 
-msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, select the 'linux32' boot image at the 'boot:' prompt to start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit installer is started, which does not work."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:154(para) 
+msgid "After using Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware to boot the CD, select the <code>linux32</code> boot image at the <code>boot:</code> prompt to start the 32-bit installer. Otherwise, the 64-bit installer starts, which does not work."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:82(para) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:165(para) 
 msgid "Genesi Pegasos II"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:85(para) 
-msgid "At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file systems is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, the network boot image can be used. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, enter the command:"
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:168(para) 
+msgid "At the time of writing, firmware with full support for ISO9660 file systems is not yet released for the Pegasos. However, you can use the network boot image. At the Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware prompt, enter the command:"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:88(screen) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:177(screen) 
 #, no-wrap
-msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img "
+msgid "boot cd: /images/netboot/ppc32.img"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:91(para) 
-msgid "You also need to configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on the Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system bootable. To do this, you need to set the boot-device and boot-file environment variables appropriately."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:180(para) 
+msgid "You must also configure Open<emphasis role=\"strong\"/>Firmware on the Pegasos manually to make the installed Fedora Core system bootable. To do this, set the <code>boot-device</code> and <code>boot-file</code> environment variables appropriately."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:96(para) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:192(para) 
 msgid "Network booting"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:99(para) 
-msgid "There are combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in the images/netboot/ directory of the install tree. These are intended for network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:195(para) 
+msgid "You can find combined images containing the installer kernel and ramdisk in the <code>images/netboot/</code> directory of the installation tree. These are intended for network booting with TFTP, but can be used in many ways."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:100(para) 
-msgid "yaboot supports tftp booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple Macintosh, the use of yaboot is encouraged over the netboot images."
+#: en_US/ArchSpecificPPC.xml:202(para) 
+msgid "<code>yaboot</code> supports TFTP booting for IBM eServer pSeries and Apple Macintosh. The Fedora Project encourages the use of <code>yaboot</code> over the <code>netboot</code> images."
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:8(title) 
-msgid "Archictecture Specific"
+#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:10(title) 
+msgid "Architecture Specific Notes"
 msgstr ""
-#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:9(para) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:11(para) 
 msgid "This section provides notes that are specific to the supported hardware architectures of Fedora Core."
 msgstr ""
 #. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
-#: en/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None) 
+#: en_US/ArchSpecific.xml:0(None) 
 msgid "translator-credits"
 msgstr ""

Index: pt.po
RCS file: /cvs/docs/release-notes/FC-5/po/pt.po,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
--- pt.po	25 Sep 2006 17:43:11 -0000	1.9
+++ pt.po	28 Oct 2006 22:21:33 -0000	1.10
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: release-notes\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-07 10:47+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-10-14 10:59-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-07 10:49+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: José Nuno Coelho Pires <jncp at>\n"
 "Language-Team: pt <kde-i18n-pt at>\n"
@@ -980,9 +980,8 @@
 msgstr "/!\\"
 #: en_US/SystemDaemons.xml:16(para) en_US/Printing.xml:16(para)
-msgid ""
-"<inlinemediaobject><placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/></inlinemediaobject> "
-"REMOVE ME Before Publishing - Beat Comment"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<placeholder-1/> REMOVE ME Before Publishing - Beat Comment"
 msgstr ""
 "<inlinemediaobject><placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/></inlinemediaobject> "
 "REMOVA-ME Antes da Publicação - Comentário da Área"
@@ -1659,7 +1658,10 @@
 "In order to talk on the <code>#fedora</code> channel, you will need to "
 "register your nickname, or <emphasis>nick</emphasis>. Instructions are given "
 "when you <code>/join</code> the channel."
-msgstr "Para poder falar no canal <code>#fedora</code>, terá de registar o seu nome de utilizador ou <emphasis>alcunha</emphasis>. As instruções serão dadas quando você fizer <code>/join</code> (ligar) ao canal."
+msgstr ""
+"Para poder falar no canal <code>#fedora</code>, terá de registar o seu nome "
+"de utilizador ou <emphasis>alcunha</emphasis>. As instruções serão dadas "
+"quando você fizer <code>/join</code> (ligar) ao canal."
 #: en_US/ProjectOverview.xml:132(title)
 msgid "IRC Channels"
@@ -5467,7 +5469,10 @@
 "Kdump kernel for use with kexec/kdump capabilities. Configured sources are "
 "available in the <code>kernel-kdump-devel-<version>.<arch>.rpm</"
 "code> package."
-msgstr "O 'kernel' do 'kdump' para usar com as capacidades do 'kexec'/'kdump'. As fontes configuradas estão disponíveis no pacote <code>kernel-kdump-devel-<versão>.<arquitectura>.rpm</code>."
+msgstr ""
+"O 'kernel' do 'kdump' para usar com as capacidades do 'kexec'/'kdump'. As "
+"fontes configuradas estão disponíveis no pacote <code>kernel-kdump-devel-<"
 #: en_US/Kernel.xml:113(para)
 msgid ""
@@ -5586,7 +5591,13 @@
 "should be able to use those learning materials with the Fedora Core "
 "packages. Install the appropriate kernel sources, as shown earlier, and then "
 "run the following command:"
-msgstr "Muitos dos tutoriais, exemplos e manuais de texto sobre o desenvolvimento para o 'kernel' do Linux assumem que o código do 'kernel' está instalado na pasta <code>/usr/src/linux/</code>. Se criar uma ligação simbólica, como aparece abaixo, poderá usar este material de aprendizagem com os pacotes do Fedora Core. Instale o código apropriado do 'kernel', como aparece acima, e depois:"
+msgstr ""
+"Muitos dos tutoriais, exemplos e manuais de texto sobre o desenvolvimento "
+"para o 'kernel' do Linux assumem que o código do 'kernel' está instalado na "
+"pasta <code>/usr/src/linux/</code>. Se criar uma ligação simbólica, como "
+"aparece abaixo, poderá usar este material de aprendizagem com os pacotes do "
+"Fedora Core. Instale o código apropriado do 'kernel', como aparece acima, e "
 #: en_US/Kernel.xml:195(screen)
 #, no-wrap
@@ -5640,7 +5651,11 @@
 "Users who require access to Fedora Core original kernel sources can find "
 "them in the kernel .src.rpm package. To create an exploded source tree from "
 "this file, perform the following steps:"
-msgstr "Os utilizadores que necessitem de acesso ao código-fonte original do Fedora Core, podê-lo-ão encontrar no pacote '.src.rpm' do 'kernel'. Para criar uma árvore de código expandida a partir deste ficheiro, execute os seguintes passos:"
+msgstr ""
+"Os utilizadores que necessitem de acesso ao código-fonte original do Fedora "
+"Core, podê-lo-ão encontrar no pacote '.src.rpm' do 'kernel'. Para criar uma "
+"árvore de código expandida a partir deste ficheiro, execute os seguintes "
 #: en_US/Kernel.xml:231(title)
 msgid "Do Not Build Packages as Super-user (root)"
@@ -5814,7 +5829,16 @@
 "emphasis> name from that of the running kernel. To be accepted by the "
 "running kernel, a module must be compiled for a kernel with the correct "
 "name. To do this, you must edit the kernel <code>Makefile</code>."
-msgstr "Todos os 'kernels' ficam com um nome baseado no seu número de versão. Este é o valor que o comando <code>uname -r</code> mostra. O nome do 'kernel' é definido pelas primeiras quatro linhas da <code>Makefile</code> do 'kernel'. Para proteger os inocentes, a <code>Makefile</code> foi alterada para gerar um 'kernel' com um nome <emphasis>diferente</emphasis> do 'kernel' actualmente em execução. Antes de um módulo poder ser aceite no 'kernel' em execução, esse módulo precisa ser compilado para um 'kernel' com o nome correcto. Para fazer isto, precisa de editar a <code>Makefile</code> do 'kernel'."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos os 'kernels' ficam com um nome baseado no seu número de versão. Este é "
+"o valor que o comando <code>uname -r</code> mostra. O nome do 'kernel' é "
+"definido pelas primeiras quatro linhas da <code>Makefile</code> do 'kernel'. "
+"Para proteger os inocentes, a <code>Makefile</code> foi alterada para gerar "
+"um 'kernel' com um nome <emphasis>diferente</emphasis> do 'kernel' "
+"actualmente em execução. Antes de um módulo poder ser aceite no 'kernel' em "
+"execução, esse módulo precisa ser compilado para um 'kernel' com o nome "
+"correcto. Para fazer isto, precisa de editar a <code>Makefile</code> do "
 #: en_US/Kernel.xml:352(para)
 msgid ""
@@ -6209,7 +6233,15 @@
 "process, and before reporting any installation-related bugs. Many of the "
 "bugs reported are actually due to improperly-burned CDs. To use this test, "
 "type <code>linux mediacheck</code> at the <code>boot:</code> prompt."
-msgstr "O <emphasis role=\"strong\">Anaconda</emphasis> tem a capacidade de testar a integridade dos discos de instalação. Funciona com os métodos de instalação a partir do CD, DVD, ISO no disco rígido e do ISO por NFS. O Projecto Fedora recomenda que você teste todos os discos de instalação antes de iniciar o processo de instalação, e antes de comunicar quaisquer problemas relacionados com a instalação (muitos dos erros comunicados são derivados de facto de CDs gravados de forma errada). Para usar este teste, escreva <code>linux mediacheck</code> na linha de comando <code>boot:</code>."
+msgstr ""
+"O <emphasis role=\"strong\">Anaconda</emphasis> tem a capacidade de testar a "
+"integridade dos discos de instalação. Funciona com os métodos de instalação "
+"a partir do CD, DVD, ISO no disco rígido e do ISO por NFS. O Projecto Fedora "
+"recomenda que você teste todos os discos de instalação antes de iniciar o "
+"processo de instalação, e antes de comunicar quaisquer problemas "
+"relacionados com a instalação (muitos dos erros comunicados são derivados de "
+"facto de CDs gravados de forma errada). Para usar este teste, escreva "
+"<code>linux mediacheck</code> na linha de comando <code>boot:</code>."
 #: en_US/Installer.xml:54(para)
 msgid ""
@@ -7118,7 +7150,12 @@
 "<emphasis>Applications > Add/Remove Software</emphasis>. Enter the "
 "<code>root</code> password when prompted. Select the software you require "
 "from the list, and choose <emphasis>Apply</emphasis>."
-msgstr "Para instalar o 'software' tanto dos repositórios Core ou Extras, escolha a opção <emphasis role=\"strong\">Aplicações > Adicionar/Remover 'Software'</emphasis>. Indique a senha de <code>root</code> quando lhe for pedida. Seleccione as aplicações que necessitar da lista e escolha <emphasis>Aplicar</emphasis>."
+msgstr ""
+"Para instalar o 'software' tanto dos repositórios Core ou Extras, escolha a "
+"opção <emphasis role=\"strong\">Aplicações > Adicionar/Remover "
+"'Software'</emphasis>. Indique a senha de <code>root</code> quando lhe for "
+"pedida. Seleccione as aplicações que necessitar da lista e escolha "
 #: en_US/Extras.xml:37(para)
 msgid ""

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