administration-guide/devel Makefile,NONE,1.1

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-docs-commits at
Sat Sep 29 16:38:17 UTC 2007

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/docs/administration-guide/devel
In directory

Added Files:
Log Message:
Add initial Makefile

--- NEW FILE Makefile ---
# Document-specific definitions.
DOCBASE        	= administration-guide
PRI_LANG      	= en_US

# If ${DOC_ENTITIES} is defined, ${PRI_LANG}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml
# must contain a complete XML file conforming to the DTD located 
# in the "docs-common/common/entities/entities.dtd" file.  Do NOT
# reference this file in the XMLFILES_template below.
DOC_ENTITIES	= doc-entities
# List each XML file of your document in the template below.  Append the 
# path to each file to the "XMLFILES-${1}" string.  Use a backslash if you
# need additional lines.  Here, we have one extra file "en/para.xml"; that
# gets written as "${1}/para.xml" because later, make(1) will need to compute
# the necesssary filenames.  Oh, do NOT include "fdp-info.xml" because that's
# a generated file and we already know about that one...

define	XMLFILES_template
XMLFILES-${1}	= ${1}/${DOCBASE}.xml
define find-makefile-common 
for d in docs-common ../docs-common ../../docs-common; do \
if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ]; then echo "$$d/Makefile.common"; break; fi; done 
include $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
# If you want to add additional steps to any of the 
# targets defined in "Makefile.common", be sure to use
# a double-colon in your rule here.  For example, to 
# print the message "FINISHED AT LAST" after building 
# the HTML document version, uncomment the following 
# line:

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