[Fedora-ia64-list] Re: Why do you set xen's driver "m"?

Juan Quintela quintela at redhat.com
Fri Aug 4 02:11:51 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 10:52 +0900, Akio Takebe wrote:
> Hi, Aron
> I failed to boot domainU, then I checked FC6's config.
> Why do you set xen's driver to "m"?
> I think the following driver should be "y".

No :(


This one _MUST_ be a module for anaconda to work.  Installer heavily
depends on that fact.


If you have an unified kernel for dom0/domU, then xenbus get _really_
confused if you boot domU without backend drivers.  I think that this
has already been fixed, but I am not sure (we used to have here a 5
seconds timeout or so).

Once having to had 4 as modules, and the backend modules are not needed
on the frontend, and viceversa, then we did everything as modules.

If you put (latest kudzdu already does it) 

	alias scsi_hostadapter xenblk

Should make a kernel with that configuration boot.

Are you having any specific problem?

Later, Juan.

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