[Fedora-ia64-list] RE: Xen in Fedora-ia64

Prarit Bhargava prarit at redhat.com
Mon May 1 21:50:00 UTC 2006

> Hmmm... I'm not at all clear on what you mean here.  What bits
> are you grabbing that cause this problem?  Building Xenlinux/ia64
> from xen-unstable and xen-3.0 is done with "make world" (using
> the existing Xen sparse mechanism).  Dozens of people are using
> this successfully.  I suspect you are trying some build tree or
> mechanism that nobody else (in the xen-ia64 community) has tried,
> so I guess it is no surprise if it is broken. :-}  We would be
> happy to fix it but need more info to understand the problem.
> Perhaps you are referring to the fact that some Xenlinux/x86
> build directories are mv'd aside when building Xenlinux/ia64?
> If so, that can be fixed...  I think it would only be a problem
> if you tried to "make world" Xen+Xenlinux/x86 and Xen+Xenlinux/ia64
> in the same source directory (e.g. over NFS from both an x86 and
> ia64 boxen).
Dan -- I'll give it a shot with the latest and greatest sources this 
week and (of course) will keep you informed if there are any issues.


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