[Fedora-ia64-list] failed installation of rawhide 20060425

Sohst, Martin martin.sohst at hp.com
Fri May 12 10:43:55 UTC 2006

Please ignore the NFS part of this posting.
I had picked the wrong NIC.


-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-ia64-list-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:fedora-ia64-list-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Prarit Bhargava
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 14:56
To: ia64 Fedora Core Development
Subject: Re: [Fedora-ia64-list] failed installation of rawhide 20060425

Sohst, Martin wrote:
> I tried to install rawhide 20050425 today first via NFS -> Could not 
> find server/directory second via ISO image. -> Same error as listed 
> below Installation does not work.
> Is there a working FC5 release for rx2600 ?
I'm building a new weekly image today/tomorrow. 

If you haven't already, please enter in a Bugzilla against this issue and add "fedora-ia64" to the blocks field.

> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: fedora-ia64-list-bounces at redhat.com 
> [mailto:fedora-ia64-list-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Griffis, 
> Aron
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 00:13
> To: fedora-ia64-list at redhat.com
> Subject: [Fedora-ia64-list] failed installation of rawhide 20060425
> I attempted installation on rx2620 using CD-ROMs of the "20050425" iso 
> images hosted at oss.sgi.com
> Using all defaults, the following error appeared immediately after announcing where the installation log would be stored, i.e. after package selection and dependency resolution.
>                ┌─────────────┤ Exception Occurred ├─────────────┐
>                │                                                │
>                │ Traceback (most recent call last):           ↑ │
>                │   File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 1080, in ?  ▮ │
>                │     intf.run(id, dispatch)                   ▒ │
>                │   File "/usr/lib/anaconda/text.py", line     ▒ │
>                │ 513, in run                                  ▒ │
>                │     rc = apply(win, (self.screen, ) + args)  ▒ │
>                │   File                                       ▒ │
>                │ "/usr/lib/anaconda/textw/confirm_text.py",   ▒ │
>                │ line 32, in __call__                         ▒ │
>                │     rc = presentRequiredMediaMessage(intf,   ▒ │
>                │ id.grpset)                                   ▒ │
>                │ AttributeError: InstallData instance has     ▒ │
>                │ no attribute 'grpset'                        ▒ │
>                │                                              ▮ │
>                │                                              ↓ │
>                │                                                │
>                │        ┌────┐                ┌───────┐         │
>                │        │ OK │                │ Debug │         │
>                │        └────┘                └───────┘         │
>                │                                                │
>                │                                                │
>                └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
> Suggestions?  Is there a more recent build I should try?  
> I also attempted to do a PXE boot using the kernel/initrd pulled from 
> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/ia
> 64/ then an http installation from that same location, but was 
> confounded by Fedora's lack of http proxy support!  I can mirror that location but it will take a while...
> Thanks,
> Aron
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