[Fedora-ia64-list] Re: [Fedora-xen] fedora-xen-ia64 first pass

Aron Griffis aron at hp.com
Mon May 22 15:17:38 UTC 2006

Zhang, Xiantao wrote:  [Mon May 22 2006, 02:48:37AM EDT]
> We have tried to boot xen with your tip, but found the configuration
> for domain0 opens dom0_VP mode, however, the dom0_VP option of xen
> was closed by default. Maybe this is the main reason why xen dies at
> booting xen0. Correct?  If they don't match, it is impossible to
> boot up. Due to not familiar with rpmbuild scripts, so we have to
> modify it manually to try.

Thanks, this was indeed the problem.  Fixing this allows the boot to
go further before it hits a panic.

fedora-kernel-ia64 cset 16 contains this fix.


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