[Fedora-ia64-list] RE: FC6-test3 anaconda crash

Yu, Luming luming.yu at intel.com
Tue Sep 26 14:26:56 UTC 2006

>Yu, Luming wrote:
>> Hi Prarit,
>> I built a FC6-test3 DVD iso, and tried to install it on a tiger box.
>> But the installation ran into anaconda crash.
>> The attached JPG  is the crash screen shot.
>>  <<照片0144.jpg>> 
>> Did you encounter same problem before? 
>Yes, please read the README in the download directory for FC6-test3.

thanks for the info. 

>yum update  <--- this command will update all installed packages!

Do you mean I need to install a FC6-test2, then do yum update from FC6-test3 

Also I noticed this :https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=204638
"Comment #37 From Jeremy Katz (katzj at redhat.com)  on 2006-09-18 12:52 EST [reply]       
Building squashfs-tools with the updated patch now -- want to try making an
image when it's done and if that fixes it, close this (and then I'll change
anaconda back)"
I don't know whether the new squashfs-tool is done.  Is it available from 
http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/pub/fedora/development/ia64/os/images/ ?

Hmm, the last modified time stamp of os/images is pretty new.
Does it include the squashfs-tools fix?


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