[Fedora-ia64-list] Hi _ Need some help about IA_64

John L. Bass jbass at dmsd.com
Mon Dec 3 16:34:15 UTC 2007

If you have a DVD reader in the machine, it installs just like a normal
x86 PC would. The largest visible differences are the boot partition is
a VFAT mounted on /boot/efi/ rather than an ext3 partition on /boot/
and that there is a different GPT (GUID Partition Table) partition table
that needs to be maintained by GNU Parted instead of fdisk.

All the Itanium's I've met so far use and EFI BIOS which should offer
the DVD in the boot menu. After Fedora is installed there will be a new
entry in the boot menu for booting Fedora. You may wish to use the EFI
"change boot order" menu item to move that new entry to the top of the
list if it's not.

If there is any thing else you find different and confusing, feel free
to ask questions.

have fun!
	I downloaded fedora8, I would like to install it on Intel Itanium2
        but i need some help!
	Really thanks.

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