[Fedora-ia64-list] Goals and future plans for Fedora-ia64

Zhan, Yi yi.zhan at intel.com
Wed Dec 12 09:24:23 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 12:32 -0500, Doug Chapman wrote:
> All,
> The last couple of days have been to be honest downright ugly.  Tempers
> have fired up and the results have been less than productive.  This
> email is intended to start us back on the right track, not to continue
> the flame wars.
> I am working on writing up a document that explains the history, current
> status, and future plans for Fedora-ia64.  The history and current
> status will I think help people understand why decisions are being made
> as they are and will show that we really have come a long way.
> Expect to see this in a day or two.  I want to take the time to be sure
> it is clear and accurate.

Look forward to see this ;-) The things I most concern about the current
status and the plan are:

a) Which stage we are in about applying for the secondary status. In
fact, I wanna have at least a general feeling about when the process
will finish. It's weeks or months? Is any help needed for the process?

b) Would it be possible to bring the koji build systems which already
setup and running (still 3 of 4?) online before finish the applying

c) IIRC, Daniel annouced an big change of Xen at the end of last month.
It seems not a message which can easy be ignored. What's the plan about
this one?

Thanks much,

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