[Fedora-ia64-list] F8 for ia64 now available

Zhan, Yi yi.zhan at intel.com
Tue Dec 18 09:47:29 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-12-12 at 08:18 -0500, Doug Chapman wrote:
> > > What I plan on doing is having 5 lists:
> > > 
> > > A: packages that are not applicable on ia64
> > > B: packages that don't build due to excludearch ia64 but ARE needed
> > > C: packages that have build failures on ia64
> > > D: packages that fail to build due to missing deps (i.e.needs something
> > > from list B or C).
> > > E: still to be investigated
> > > 
> > 
> Yes, list C will certainly be the bulk of the work.  You script sounds
> very useful for generating lists A and B.  I look forward to trying it
> out.

What's the plan about the lists this week? I think it would be nice to
put some rough lists to the wiki first, and then modify them step by

I have also created a script to generate list D by using Prarit's
'thetango' (Thanks Prarit, all the hard things here have been done by
'thetango'). It takes a packages list as an argument and the output is a
list of packages which depend on them either directly or indirectly. So
we can use the list A, B, C as input and generate the list D. There are
66 pakages failed with dependency issues given the arch excluded
pakcages as input. Since we have moved on to the F9-cycle, I'd like to
give it a try on rawhide before send it out. 


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