[Fedora-ia64-list] ia64 yum bug

Doug Chapman doug.chapman at hp.com
Thu Feb 28 14:44:29 UTC 2008

There is a yum bug that makes yum not see noarch packages on ia64
systems (BZ 435226).  The version that has this bug is:


the really nasty aspect of this bug is since yum is a "noarch" package
yum cannot install the new version of yum!!!

If you have this affected version you can fix your system with:

wget http://ia64.koji.fedoraproject.org/fedora-ia64/rawhide-20080227_2/development/ia64/os/Packages/yum-3.2.11-1.fc9.drc.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh yum-3.2.11-1.fc9.drc.noarch.rpm

if you have an older version of yum you should be able to just do a yum
update and get the fixed version.

- Doug

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