[fedora-india] Feasibility of a Repository Dump of F 10

susmit shannigrahi thinklinux.ssh at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 06:28:16 UTC 2009

> 'reposync --repoid=fedora' gets all the packages, and only passing
> --repoid=updates gets the updates/ directory.

Well, You can do it.
But reposync isn't the best way to mirror or pull content. It is easier though.

1. It does not offer the flexibility of rsync. You can not pull
content as you wish. You have to do a lot of system-file edititng if
you want to get source and debug and other directories.

2. You will have a lot of trouble if you want to sync any repo other
then one you are using.
For example, creating a F11 repo on a F9 machine will be a pain. So
will be if you want to create a F10 repo on a F11 machine.

Only thing I am trying to put forward is, reposync isn't the best way
to do mirroring and should be avoided unless the user is sure about
what he is doing.




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