[Fedora-infrastructure-list] Dell server donation deadline approaching

Matt_Domsch at Dell.com Matt_Domsch at Dell.com
Wed Jul 5 20:44:57 UTC 2006

Greetings.  As I mentioned on IRC and on email a bit back, Dell would
like to donate a couple servers to the Fedora project, to be used
wherever hardware (not people) are the bottleneck towards progress.
We've got budgeted enough for 2 moderately configured PowerEdge 2950
servers, and have until about July 18 to get them ordered (else we lose
the money).  I'd be happy to work with whomever appropriate to get the
order placed.

Please cc: me explicitly as I'm not on f-i-l.


Matt Domsch
Software Architect
Dell Linux Solutions linux.dell.com & www.dell.com/linux
Linux on Dell mailing lists @ http://lists.us.dell.com

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