[Fedora-infrastructure-list] Backups

Nils Breunese nils at breun.nl
Tue Jul 11 07:43:55 UTC 2006

Dennis Gilmore wrote:

> Can everyone look over http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/ 
> Backup and
> provide some feedback here so that we can get some traction  moving  
> forward.
> Some issues not covered in the wiki are how each would be  
> implemented.  i know
> rdiff-backup  and i assume backuppc would need to be ran by a user  
> who has
> sufficient privileges on each machine  to read whats needed to be  
> backed up.
> what does this mean?

The list looks pretty nice. I've implemented a BackupPC setup at my  
own company that is still in testing, but is already backing up ~10  
servers (Fedora and CentOS machines) using rsync over ssh. In my  
setup BackupPC runs as a special shell-less user whose passphrase- 
less public key is added to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on each host  
that is backed up. So far I'm loving BackupPC. However, I haven't  
seen any other solutions in action, so I can't say to much about  
them. However, judging from the list and the homepages of these  
solutions BackupPC does seem like a very easy to implement solution.  
If it can deliver all requirements I'd say give BackupPC a whirl.

Nils Breunese.

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