[Fedora-infrastructure-list] Officers

Jeffrey Tadlock linux at elfshadow.net
Wed Jul 19 23:38:09 UTC 2006

Mike McGrath wrote:
> Anyway I'm throwing it out there.  What do you guys think?  Am I
> trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist?

I think it is certainly an idea worth considering.  Sometimes we get 
caught up rolling out new stuff and putting new systems/applications in 
place that the more mundane, though important, tasks get left behind. 
Having focus groups of people that specialize in certain areas can help 
make sure we don't let those tasks slip.

I think we should certainly keep the global communication going, though 
I don't see that as being an issue - the mailing lists help facilitate 
communication amongst the group.  As long as discussions take place on 
the list then people can stay involved.

I would also hope that by moving towards an office/focus group model 
that people not be too pigeon holed into their focus area.  It would be 
more of a your primary responsibility is to make sure x, x and x happen 
(or is happening) and then are welcome to jump in on another project if 
time permits.


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