Change Freeze (telia1 reboot)

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Wed May 13 16:29:50 UTC 2009

This is a multi-part change request.  I'd like to reboot telia1 which
would take app6 noc2 pb14 pt16 smtp-mm1 proxy5 pt15 offline.  To do this
I'll mark it dead in the dns servers for the reboot.

The cause is this box didn't get rebooted during a recent update so the
running xen and xen kernels aren't compatable.  We have other servers in
this situation too (that one's on me) but as long as we don't have
problems I don't see any need to reboot them yet.  We can wait till after
the freeze to avoid downtime.

The impact of this freeze will only impact our test servers and noc2.



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