I'm co-maintaining the OpenLayers package in Fedora, and we have some issues with the license of the jsmin tool used to build OL. Can OL be built without it ? Can OL be used without being built ? bochecha: yes, and yes bochecha: However, I would generally not recomend it. bochecha: there is a buildUncompressed.py tool -- that will build OpenLayers without compressing it (but it is very large) if your build does not have the jsmin module, then OL will be compressed using a minimal compressor that is not licensed strangely (You can see that code in build.py) crschmidt, you mean I could simply remove the jsmin.{c,py} files from the archive and it would be built uncompressed ? yes or built minimally compressed specifically because Douglas Crockford is a dick. i mean, "uses a strange psuedo-license" ^^ The whole idea of 'this software must nto be used for evil' is so dumb I can't even begin to seriously address it. So OpenLayers has ways to cope. yes, it looks like he was contacted about this specific sentance and refused to change it Yep Thee are other compressio tools out there but none in Python, or easy to use on all systmes where OL can be built (Require Java, or Rhino, or other things like that) oh... can't his project be forked and relicensed ? :-° Well (by someone with sufficient knowledge, i.e. not me :) * crschmidt shrugs It has been, essentially th Python code was written from an algorithm description and no claim on the license is made on the Python code I don't think that's any different than a typical 'clean room' implementation actually, in the python script there is the same licensing header :-/ is there? huh anyway, i don't know, and don't really care as far as I'm concerned, the license doesn't matter because it has no real legal meaning and OL has ways to not use that compressor if anyone does care I see that this information is not in the build documentation; I'll add it sometime soon just FYI: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=455507#c4 that's the concerns from the Fedora legal team yep I'm aware of the concerns if I weren't stuck in this issue, that would be actually pretty funny ^^ But yes. Remove the jsmin.* files, and you'l be all good ok thanks :) it's not pefect -- your OL librayr will be about 60% bigger -- but whatev