Installing FC5 on pre-partitioned /dev/hdb

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Mon Apr 3 11:10:54 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-04-02 at 18:35 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Howinhell do I use it to do absolutely nothing more to /dev/hdb, which
> I have already partitioned the way *I* want it, based on the useage 
> pattern I already have on /dev/hda, but to simply remember the mount 
> points name for the construction of /etc/fstab?

I know what you mean.  Over the last several versions I've tried,
there's options to:

  Reuse and repartition an entire drive.
  Reuse and repartition Linux partitions.
  Use spare space.

But no option to take an already partitioned drive, and use the
partitions as you see fit.  It's this tomfoolery that makes it next to
impossible to keep a /home partition when doing a fresh install.  A
fresh install ought to let you just format some partitions, leave others
alone, and install where you want.  Your idea about upgrading from FCx
to FCy might well be to format the existing /, /usr/ & /var/ partitions,
keep /home/ as-is, but the installation routine makes it damn difficult.
You have to create some partitions to keep the routine happy, and if you
have nothing free to begin with, you're hosed.

I've not struck this problem installing other OS.  It's my choice
whether to repartition, or not.  It's my choice whether to format, or
not.  It's my choice what goes onto what partition.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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