>You did not supply enough information to provide >definitive help. >(Check out >http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.ht >ml) > >Did you perhaps add the disk on which you >installed Fedora as master and >move the original XP disk to be the secondary >disk? If so, you will >need to fool XP into thinking it is still on the >first disk. A grub >stanza along these lines should work: > >title Windows XP > map (hd1) (hd0) > map (hd0) (hd1) > rootnoverify (hd1,0) > chainloader +1 That´s it! The WinXP hard disk is slave (hdb) of Fedora hard disk(hda). I´ll try to make the changes you wrote. I have read about "hard disk geometry as reported in the partition table to be altered during installation". Do you think it's the problem? >> I also can't see the WindowsXP partition >(hdb1) when im using Fedora. >> I tried a command to mount it, but it didnt >work. > >Would help to say wnat ypu tried. I tried to reach it by the /mnt and to mount it in the command line. >> I used a bootable CD i have here (Kurumin 3.0, >a variant from >> Knoppix), and all the files from Windows XP >and Fedora can be seen. I >> would like to access it from the Fedora (the >partition hdb1, with >> WinXP, is FAT32) > >(Hmmm - XP native format is NTFS; however...) >Fedora should be able to >mount a FAT32 partition. Should be able to find >lots of references in >the list archives, but as root try: > ># mkdir /dos_c > >then add the following to /etc/fstab > >/dev/hdb1 /dos_c vfat >user,noauto,rw,uid=500,gid=500 0 0 > >(The uid= and gid= are optional - if used, >change 500 to match the user >and group you want to have access. This can >allow a user [i.e. user >with uid 500], or users [in gid 500] to write to >the disk.) > >then > ># mount /dos_c Thank you very much. I´ll try this. Zacarias de Sete Lagoas Estúdio 5 - Os Trapalhões Rede globo de Televisão Zaca_LiC_UnB ___________________________________________________________________________________ Acesse nosso portal www.click21.com.br Porque internet grátis, nem a Embratel pode fazer mais barato. Mas pode fazer melhor.