# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda. # File: ks.cfg_FC5-LiveCD-generic # Built by: Eugene Teo # Date: 20060507 ############################################################################### # FC5 kickstart for Kadischi (Generic) # Eugene Teo # # Feel free to make any changes to my kickstart file. Kadischi was able to # create a 641MB ISO based on this. If you make any improvements to this file, # do email me the changes so that i can learn from you too. # # Usage: # kadischi /path_to_repo /path_to_iso --kickstart=ks.cfg_FC5-LiveCD-generic # kadischi http://path_to_repo /path_to_iso --kickstart=ks.cfg_FC5-LiveCD-generic # ############################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------# lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us #timezone --utc Asia/Singapore timezone --utc GMT # Default root password: redhat rootpw --iscrypted $1$PvvvUg73$zWYeWG2HFaMCgO9B/RE6B. #--------------------------------------------------------------# install xconfig --driver "vesa" --videoram 65472 --resolution 800x600 --depth 16 --startxonboot monitor --hsync 31.5-37.9 --vsync 50-70 network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp network --device eth1 --onboot no --bootproto dhcp network --device sit0 --onboot no --bootproto dhcp network --device tun0 --onboot no --bootproto dhcp network --device vmnet1 --onboot no --bootproto dhcp network --device vmnet8 --onboot no --bootproto dhcp firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp #selinux --disabled selinux --enforcing authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5 #--------------------------------------------------------------# bootloader --location=none # The following is the partition information you requested # Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed # here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is # not guaranteed to work #clearpart --linux #--------------------------------------------------------------# %packages @admin-tools @base @base-x @core @gnome-desktop @graphical-internet @office @printing @sound-and-video #@korean-support #@chinese-support #@thai-support bsf comps-extras cracklib-dicts gnome-mime-data iso-codes rmt tzdata %post useradd redhat # Default user password: redhat usermod -p '$1$PvvvUg73$zWYeWG2HFaMCgO9B/RE6B.' redhat echo -e "[security]\nDisallowTCP=false\n\n[daemon]\nAutomaticLoginEnable=true\nAutomaticLogin=redhat\n\n[greeter]\n" > /etc/gdm/custom.conf