db4 is now updated to 4.5.20 and compat-db to 4.3.29

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Mon Nov 13 15:00:50 UTC 2006

>>>>> "JN" == Jindrich Novy <jnovy at redhat.com> writes:

JN> Ok, so what is wrong when the db4 license is set to GPL?

Well, the license isn't actually the GPL.  The packaging committee
(and more specifically, me, when I can find some time) is working up a
draft guideline on this sort of thing.  Essentially, the License: tag
is just a hint as to what the actual license is and you shouldn't try
to include all of the details of the license there, but you shouldn't
lie about it either.  If it's called the "Sleepycat license" and isn't
just a renamed or slightly amended copy of some other recognized
license, then put "Sleepycat" in the license tag and be done with it.
The license text needs to be included as %doc in the package anyway
and that's where people with serious questions should always refer.

 - J<

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