[Fedora-music-list] Some notes from a cool meeting at RH today

Greg DeKoenigsberg gdk at redhat.com
Tue Jun 27 21:22:40 UTC 2006

Had a good chat with Adrian Likins, Steven Salevan and Luke Macken today 
about what a "music collaboration server" might look like.  Here's a whole 
firehose full of notes.  To Adrian/Steven/Luke, this'll probably mean more 
-- but any questions, feel free to ask.  :)

We're getting together again here in Red Hat HQ to brainstorm more about 
possible clients on Thursday.  For those of you on the list who aren't 
from around here, apologies, and we'll start filling in gaps soon.



The Four Steps

1. EXPORT TOOLS AND RULES.  Figure out how to get output from every major 
music production tool into a simple, common format.  If it's tools that 
plug in to GarageBand/Steinberg/Logic, great.  If it's a 20-step HOWTO for 
each of those tools, great.  The end result: wav/midi files, per track, 
that can be easily shared.

2. DEFINE COMMON METADATA FORMAT.  Rough database schema follows.


4. UPLOAD TOOLS.  We need some simple way of getting "sharable" data into
the system initially.

The WAG at Schema

  email			varchar
  password		varchar

(a superclass, subclassed per asset type)
  id			varchar (md5sum)
  creator_id		fk (user.email)
  license_id		fk (license table)
  uri			varchar
  creation_date		date

(a subclass of asset, we thus leave the possibility of video/clipart/etc.)
  asset_id		fk (asset.id)
  lyric_id		fk (lyric.id) (nullable)
  type?			(midi/wav/loop/etc?)
  key?			varchar?
  tempo?		varchar?
  bpm?			int?

  id			varchar (md5sum)
  author		fk (user.email)
  authored_date		date    

  id			varchar (md5sum)
  producer_id		fk (user.email)
  uri			varchar
  production_date	date

  song_id		fk (song.id)
  track_id		fk (music_asset.asset_id)
  track_id		fk (music_asset.asset_id)
  parent_id		fk (music_asset.asset_id)

Other stuff:
  tagging schema for songs and tracks


Greg DeKoenigsberg || Fedora Project || fedoraproject.org
Be an Ambassador || http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors

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