[Fwd: [Fedora Project Wiki] Update of "FWN/Beats/Developments" by RahulSundaram]

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Mon Apr 23 03:27:49 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-22 at 12:18 -0400, Oisin Feeley wrote:

> If the section is seen as "derisive" then it should definitely go though,
> with my apologies to anyone insulted by it and I should be more careful
> in tone.  Maybe the last paragraph should be cut?

Eh, sorry, I was quick to choose words and send.  Derisive is too harsh;
it was probably just a reaction to the phrase "feed the trolls".  I know
you were reporting what was said; I think the derisive tone is something
that could be applied to the people you were reporting about.  This
references back to Rahul's comment that we don't want to be seen as
unable to take criticism.

How about ... a link to an explanation of the "Feed the trolls", or a
longer article on the subject of some kind?  Something to show that it
is a general and very important concept in FLOSS.

- Karsten
   Karsten Wade, 108 Editor       ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
 Sr. Developer Relations Mgr.     |  fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject
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