@fedora-devel for the next few weeks

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Sat Jun 30 14:52:43 UTC 2007

Personally, I don't relish filling Oisin's shoes these next few weeks.
People have really come to rely upon the summary of life on f-devel-l,
myself included.

I tried to keep up this week, and it's a bit of content.

Can we each pick a thread or two or three?

Summarize those into FWN/Beats/Development?

Here are the threads I see this week:

"Inconsistent package tags"
"Changing default syslog package"
"Fedora Features Process" (also see "Plan for tomorrows...")
"New rpm version about to hit rawhide"
Re: Package Updating Doc Available
"portage vs. yum" 
"[RFC] change packaging around shared libraries, ldconfig"
"XULRunner - will be or won't be?"
"Fedora 8's FUDCon"
"Doing away with 'groups' repo in mock"
"RFE: Use generic names in packages "

... and a few others. :)

I'd like to write up on "Fedora Features Process" and maybe "portage vs.

Anyone want to work on some of the others?

- Karsten
   Karsten Wade, 108 Editor       ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
 Sr. Developer Relations Mgr.     |  fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject
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