Fedora Weekly News #155

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Tue Dec 9 06:55:01 UTC 2008


On 08.12.2008 19:23, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 12:54:10PM -0500, Oisin Feeley wrote:
>> Fedora Weekly News Issue 155
>> Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 155 for the week ending December
>> 7th, 2008.
>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue155
>> FWN is pleased to announce the return of the Planet Fedora beat. Among
>> other items Adam Batkin lists some "Howtos and Tips" gleaned from blogs.
>> In Announcements the "Fedora 11" naming scheme is discussed. In
>> Developments "The PATH to CAPP" exposes disquiet with some security
>> infrastructure. Translation provides updates on the cancellation of
>> FLSCo elections. Artwork is again bursting at the seems with a "T-Shirt
>> Logo Design Tool" and "Improved Document Templates". SecurityAdvisories
>> lists this week's essential updates. Finally Virtualization continues to
>> race the shocking pace of developments including the "Release of libvirt
>> 0.5.0 and 0.5.1" There's plenty more a mere mouse click away!
> I love this summary, even though I completely failed to forward it as
> part of my internal Red Hat announcement.  I'll make sure to include
> it next time! :-)

I wanted to put it in proper words, but I didn't get around to it, so 
maybe I'll do it just quickly here:

I like the FWN in general. But I noticed I often do not read them. They 
for me are to long and contain way to many details -- the section "The 
PATH to CAPP Audits" and "The Looming Py3K Monster" for example contain 
a lot of information (which were hard work to collect), but if I want 
that in-depth details I'll go and read the thread on the list directly. 
I think a little bit less (1/3 or 1/4 the length of what it is now) 
could me more/better here.

And all those links in the text with sections like
> [1] http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-November/msg00420.html
> [2] http://libvirt.org/remote.html
> [3] http://www.avahi.org 
IMHO make it really hard to read.

The OpenSUSE weekly news
look much more professional, are likely a whole less work and they even 
get them translated because they are shorter/focus on the more important 

Just my 2 cent as seldom reader. I thought you guys maybe wanted to 
know. And don't let my option confuse you to much. Maybe it's just me.


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