Ad policy

Max Spevack mspevack at
Wed Dec 17 15:48:07 UTC 2008

On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, Paul W. Frields wrote:

> However, if FWN had a clear ad policy, that might help alleviate such 
> concerns in the future.  I think the FWN editorial staff should talk 
> with their contributors here, and decide on some sort of advertisement 
> policy for the FWN.  I'm not here to dictate that policy to you, 
> because you're the ones who make FWN happen every week.  It's a very 
> important service to the community, and one I and many other community 
> members make use of regularly.  We're very grateful for your efforts, 
> and I think you're the best judges of how to handle this matter.

How about "Only ads from sponsors[1], and then subject to edtiorial 


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