
Pascal Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Mon Dec 22 19:45:07 UTC 2008

Okay, back from another meeting; I'll start working on this now.  Thanks 

   - pascal

Oisin Feeley wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 12:06:13 -0500, "Pascal Calarco" <pcalarco at nd.edu>
> said:
>> Hi Oisin --
>> I've been in meetings this morning, but can help too, if you need.  Just 
>> let me know.  Thanks!
> Pascal,
> If you could send out the mailshot I'd really appreciate it.  I've done
> everything except that.  I'd also appreciate it if you could cast your
> expert eye over the Welcome notice that I hastily cobbled together.  It
> runs the risk of being a bit twee and Western-centric, but I figured
> that it is in keeping with the theme of the holiday.
> Best wishes to everyone!  Have a well-deserved break: I'm going out to
> shovel away some more of the huge amount of snow that came down in the
> Québec area yesterday and is still falling.  Otherwise I won't be able
> to do my very late Xmas shopping!

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