microblog accounts

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Mon Nov 24 22:04:05 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 09:37:27AM +0200, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> Karsten Wade wrote:
>> I grabbed and configured the two accounts.  Currently the email is
>> sent to me (no alerts configured to email, though); this is because
>> I've failed in the past by setting a mailing list as the account,
>> thereby sending password reset notices to the world.
>> http://identi.ca/fedoranews
>> http://twitter.com/fedoranews
> I know this is minor but can you change the avatar used at identi.ca? It  
> seems they are so bad that can't cope with transparent PNGs and you have  
> to enforce a white background.

Ah, that's the problem, thanks.  Now I've got a black border I didn't
intend, but that's at least an interim improvement.

> Another minor complaint: you set the homepage to  
> http://news.fedoraproject.org/ which is not working for me, I guess the  
> redirect is broken (AFAIK, that was supposed to redirect to 
> fp.o/wiki/news/)

Yes, I noticed that later.  I can fix the account, but it's really the
redirect that needs some love.

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Community Gardener
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