Zikula hackfest gameplan

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Sat Dec 5 20:35:24 UTC 2009

Our gameplan for the next two days: everything is at 

Please ask questions, point out holes, etc. - we literally *just* came 
up with this. This is also where you can sign up to help. 

I think that Sparks and ke4qqq were planning on spending some time with 
us, which would be *awesome* - and that mmcgrath will be dropping by at 
the end of both days to check in - but I'm not sure what people's plans 
actually are, so I just took a guess for me/Simon/Pascal to start. 
(Simon, Pascal, feel free to edit this to something more correct and/or 

I defaulted to #fedora-mktg as our IRC channel for the day, because I 
know we're going to have remote participants, but would be glad to move 
it to a more neutral place if there's a better location for this (if 
#fedora-logistics were populated, I'd do it there).

Comments? Thoughts? Halp? Yay! We'll keep you updated.


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