FWN #161 status

Dale Bewley dlbewley at lib.ucdavis.edu
Mon Feb 2 19:38:56 UTC 2009

----- "Oisin Feeley" <oisinfeeley at imapmail.org> wrote:
> Note that I'm using the new citation/reference markup so that each
> is written inline wrapped in ref tags and then a references
> placeholder
> is placed below each beat-item, e.g.
> === Item Title Goes Here ===
> This is some text with a
> reference<ref>http://somesilly/path.html</ref>
> in it which the cite.php module will automatically convert into a
> nicely
> superscripted anchor and move into the placeholder below.
> <references/>

I saw mention of this in the meeting wrap up (haven't read the logs yet), but I took "next issue" to mean not THIS issue, so I didn't bother to catch up on the changes. I didn't really have time to anyway. Sorry

I do think the above example is going to be WAY better and easier to work with. The whole User:foo thing, uh.. I'll wait to read the logs before I comment.

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