QA section written - please check

Oisin Feeley oisinfeeley at
Sun Feb 15 23:55:12 UTC 2009

On Sun, 15 Feb 2009 10:53:13 -0800, "Adam Williamson"
<awilliam at> said:
> Hi, guys. I've just completed the QA section for FWN. As it's my first
> shot, can people please check it over and make sure I didn't screw
> up? :) Thanks!

It flows very nicely and is very readable.  I think Dale's comments are
useful and would add that it's probably best to specify dates and times
as per the style guide[1]. Apart from the large number of local
variations in how dates are written out the content is archived so it's
easier for people reading it to see 2009-02-19 than "this Thursday,
February 19th".


Thanks again for taking on this beat Adam!

  Oisin Feeley

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