new applicants

Pascal Calarco pcalarco at
Thu Jun 11 10:07:40 UTC 2009

Hi Adam --

The past practice (at least, what Thomas Chung had me do) has been for the group admins (effectively, the editors, you and I) to follow up with these folks, ask them to join this list and introduce themselves here, and how they would like to contribute to the Fedora News team.  I'm currently on vacation this week so haven't done this for the new people this week.  We could start out by inviting them to the list.  There are a number of people who have applied for group membership with whom we have followed up with but nothing came of this, so one task we could do is to retrospectively go through all of the outstanding group requests and ask these folks if they now would like to become active with the group.  Those that don't respond, we can delete.  I have left these membership requests open in the hopes that folks might want to become active, but it seems like a good idea to decision them.

  - pascal

From: fedora-news-list-bounces at [fedora-news-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Adam Williamson [awilliam at]
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:56 PM
To: fedora-news-list at
Subject: new applicants

I've seen a couple of new applicants for the news list sitting in FAS.
Do we have a process for finding out what's going on there, seeing if
they're just spam accounts or what? Just wanted to check whether
someone's already doing something about that.

Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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