Fedora News IRC Meeting: 10/8/09 06:00 UTC & 10/12 15:00 UTC

Pascal Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Tue Oct 6 15:08:44 UTC 2009

On 06/10/09 10:55 AM, Adam Batkin wrote:
>> So, it looks like the best time to hold a meeting this week would be
>> Thursday at 06:00 UTC or 10:00 am Eastern, and then Larry is more
>> available next week, so perhaps we could meet next Monday at either
>> 15:00 UTC or 7:00 pm Eastern or 16:00 UTC or 8:00 pm Eastern. This would
>> allow Dale to also join, if he is available. Guys, do you have a
>> preference between the two? Mine would be 16:00 UTC.
> Pascal,
> I may have just had too many flu meds but wouldn't 06:00UTC would be 2AM
> Eastern time? And 15:00UTC would be 11:00AM Eastern. I wonder if in fact
> people's schedules might be more compatible than they let on...
> Hope this helps,
> -Adam Batkin

Yes, you are right, Adam.  Instead of -4 I need to ADD 4 hours, so these 
should be 14:00 UTC on 10/8/09 and 23:00 UTC on 10/12 or 00:00 on 10/13. 
  My apologies for this!

Nicu and Runa, how do these look to you?  We can set up another meeting, 
or we could have a followup discussion from the IRC meeting minutes, if 
neither of these look good for your schedules.

   - pascal

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