Fedora News on Zikula

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Fri Sep 11 14:28:23 UTC 2009

Thanks for asking, Dale.

On 09/10/2009 06:19 PM, Dale Bewley wrote:
> After reading https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight
> I wanted to login and see what Zikula looks like and how it would
> actually be used.

The Fedora Insight (FI) workflow is being hacked on in Marketing, so 
I've copied the Marketing list - actually, you have impeccable timing. 
Robyn Bergeron has gone through and made a basic workflow (and her work 
was the initial driver that made sure a lot of basic functionality in 
Zikula was put in), but it's time to figure out the actual workflow for 
News, so I was literally *just* about to ask the News list about this.

> I created an account and logged in, but do I need to have my account
> authorized by someone? I don't see how to create a test post.

It looks like all new accounts are being made administrators by default 
on the test instance, so you can go to 
to create new articles. This obviously needs to not be the case for the 
live instance. ;) So we need someone from News to figure out the 
workflow you would like.

> I realize it's early, but it seems like a pretty flat hierarchy. I'm
> having trouble picturing how "FWN" would be carved out.

The answer is "we don't know, and we were actually just about to ask you."

Dale, would you or anyone from News be willing to tackle 
https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/32? It shouldn't be that 
hard, and the best way to carve out FWN so that the News team likes it 
is to have the News team carve it out. ;)


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