Fedora-olpc-list Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6

Ed McNierney ed at laptop.org
Fri Dec 5 12:50:59 UTC 2008

Walter -

I'm referring to the classes of end users who would use such a feature, as
distinguished from the classes of developers working on it.  I mainly want
to be sure we don't slip into a debate over whose favorite desktop
environment is preferred among the development community.  I don't think
that's happening and it sounds like a good discussion has begun.

I'm not sure this is an obvious answer, as these classes of XO users span
both of your categories below.  Part of this work is to address the needs of
G1G1 recipients, who are more likely to be "second computer" buyers than the
other classes are.  And part is to address the requests of XO deployment
countries; I've asked Greg Smith to collect the details from the field on

    - Ed

P.S. I'm not suggesting that G1G1 purchasers are more likely than not to be
second-computer buyers - I have no idea whether that's the case.  I'm
suggesting that an XO recipient who is a G1G1 purchaser is more likely to be
using it as a second computer than an XO recipient who got one as part of a
country deployment.  That may only be the difference between 1% and 0.001%.

On 12/5/08 7:32 AM, "Walter Bender" <walter.bender at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ed,
> Who are the real users you are referring to? I just got back from the
> Netbook World Summit and it seemed to be universally excepted that
> there were two very distinct groups: those who purchase netbooks as
> second computers and those who buy netbooks as first computers. The
> consensus was these groups had different use models and expectations.
> In the former group, close to instant on seemed to be important (which
> most people equate with instant boot instead of better power
> management a la CJB's work) and familiarity with existing interfaces,
> e.g., XP. In the latter group, there wasn't consensus.
> -walter
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 7:22 AM,  <fedora-olpc-list-request at redhat.com> wrote:

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