Need some security advice for systemtap

David Smith dsmith at
Mon Jun 4 19:33:50 UTC 2007

I need some security development help (and this might be the wrong list 
- if so, please point me in the right direction).  I'm one of the 
systemtap developers.  You can see <> 
for details, but a 2 second overview is that systemtap allows users to 
write a script that probes points in the kernel.  systemtap takes the 
script, converts it into C, compiles the C into a kernel module, inserts 
the kernel module, and displays any output from the compiled script. 
When the script finishes, we remove the kernel module.

One of the complaints we get from users is that we require root access 
(using sudo) to install/remove the kernel module.  Large enterprise 
customers typically don't give out sudo access to all admins.  So, they 
would like a way to designate certain scripts/modules as "blessed", and 
allow admins/developers/etc. without root access to run those "blessed" 

Some basic ideas about how we can allow users without sudo access to run 
"blessed" scripts/modules can be seen at 

So, I'm looking for thoughts, criticisms, pointers, etc. to do this in a 
  manner that won't allow a system to be easily compromised.  We're in 
the fairly early stages of this idea, and I'm looking for direction 
before heading down the wrong road.

Thanks for the help.

David Smith
dsmith at
Red Hat
256.217.0141 (direct)
256.837.0057 (fax)

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