
Steve G linux_4ever at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 11 21:10:14 UTC 2006

>It would be nice if there was a human readable time and date to help group 
>messages together.

There is...use "ausearch -m avc -i -ts 12:00:00"  replacing 12:00:00 with the
starting time that you want it to look for.

>Right now I have no idea where one reboot ends and the next begins.

Generally, you can look for DEAMON_START and DAEMON_END messages:

"ausearch -m DAEMON_START,DAEMON_END -i -ts 01/01/06"  replacing the date with
the day or time you want to start looking from.

>Which would be better silencing the AVC messages or having mozilla fix 
>the execmem issues?

Why not get an strace and attach to bugzilla. The strace needs to be during a
session that generates the avc message. The strace should have some mmaps in it.

>If you think this should be fixed by mozilla then please 
>add yourself to the https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=319913
>bug so it can be confirmed and they will hopefully work on it.

I am not seeing the problem. You may be loading a plugin that has some execmem
needs. We need the mmap to determine what the problem really is.


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