[Fedora-suds-list] Arrays, again

Robert Marsanyi rnm at whidbey.com
Mon Nov 23 21:47:52 UTC 2009

I see lots of history about using array complex types in SOAP requests, but 
I still can't divine how to do it right.  Ultimately, I need to generate an 
array of complex structures, but the array part is baffling me, so I thought 
I'd start with an array of integers, using a service that's specifically 
designed for testing.

Using the WSDL specified in public.py at 
http://mssoapinterop.org/asmx/simple.asmx?WSDL, I'm trying to use the 
echoIntegerArray service.  I've tried a number of different ways to build 
the array in the request call, but none seem to work; every request returns 
a syntactically correct, but empty, response (that is, 
result=client.service.echoIntegerArray(array)) always returns None, 
regardless of the machinations I use to construct the variable "array".

Can someone show me the client code for an array of ints that works with 
this service?

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