RH recommends using Windows?

Ben Steeves bcs at metacon.ca
Tue Nov 4 19:27:00 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 15:13, Robert L Cochran wrote:
> I guess this more or less trashes my investment in Linux. Those of you 
> with RHCEs and RHCTs are going to lose the investment of your time and 
> money, as Red Hat abandons support for a Red Hat Linux consumer product. 
> A significant potential market segment is being blown away.

How d'you figure?  Red Hat no longer *supports* a consumer product, but
the product still exists as Fedora Core.  Since Red Hat doesn't support
it, someone will have to... RHCEs and RHCTs, obviously.

And I'm sure RHCEs and RHCTs will have no trouble finding work in
enterprises who've purchased RHEL -- it's always good to have a guru or
two on staff.  

You people who are spitting so much vitrol over this fail to see the big
picture: anything that makes a Linux company more viable is a GOOD THING
in the grand scheme of things.  With Novell buying SuSE and Red Hat
releasing both a viable Enterprise solution and a fast-evolving consumer
product, I'd say this has been a banner week for Linux.

Ben Steeves                     _                    bcs at metacon.ca
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