Sound problem on Severn

ne... akabi at
Tue Sep 2 12:03:43 UTC 2003

On Sep 2, 2003 at 08:41, Thiago Vinhas de Moraes in a maddening rage wrote:

>I have Severn with all the recent rawhide channel updates, but got a
>problem with Sound and KDE's Arts.
>Here is what happens.
>Before I get inside KDE, the sound works fine, and I can test the
>soundcard using eox to play songs, or cat /etc/dsp. After I log in KDE,
>and the Arts server runs, I can't use any other application that uses
>sound. If I give a cat /dev/dsp it gives a "Resource Busy" response. If
>I try to run xmms or any other sound player, the same problem.
>Does anyone has a way to fix this?
You need to use the KDE Kontrol Centre to release the
device after a certain amount of time. Something like
30 seconds should do it.

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