[Fedora-trans-de] [Fedora-trans-announce] L10N Steering Committee Elections: Elections period open

fedora-trans-announce at redhat.com fedora-trans-announce at redhat.com
Di Apr 22 06:38:38 UTC 2008

The elections for Fedora Localization Steering Committee (FLSCo) are
open now and until 23:59 UTC, 26 February 2007.  Voting is open to all
members of the cvsl10n group in the Fedora Account System.  To vote,
refer to this URL:

(log in with your FAS-account credentials)

All nominees in the running for this collection, can be found at:

For more information on the election, consult:

For more information on FLSCo, refer to:

Bart <couf at fedoraproject.org> <couf at skynet.be>
key fingerprint: 6AAB 544D 3432 D013 776D  3602 ADB6 6B2A D93F 0F93
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